Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Powershell Backup Script

2017-02-10 3 min read Powershell Erwin Bierens

Backup Script

Needed a backup script which i can run from the powershell or with use of the Windows schedular. I’ve created some checks on folders and succesrate. The scripts also can email you when backup is succesful/failed. If you have any suggestions please let me know!


        ##################################### Backup Script ###############################################
        ## Name: Backup_Script.ps1                               
        ## Creator: Erwin Bierens                     
        ## CreationDate: 10-02-2017                               
        ## LastModified: 10-02-2017                                
        ## Version: 1.0
        ## Website:
        ## Description: Copies the Backupdir to the Destination folder
        ## Deviations will be written to logfile
        ## Only Change Variables in Variables Section  
        ## Thx to the followingg scripts i created this one, source information
        ## Example: powershell -command "& 'c:\temp\Backup_Script.ps1' "
        ##Variables Section
        ## Source directory
        ## Destination Directory
        ## you can also use the network path "\\server\share"
        ## Destination Log File
        ## BackupRapport is being used to check if backup is succesfull
        ## Make changes for email reports
        ## Email Subjects and Body info
        $successEmailSubject="Backup Succesfull"
        $successEmailBody="The Backup is succesfull"
        $failEmailSubject="Backup Failed"
        $failEmailBody="The backup is failed, please check the attached log file"
        ## =========================================================
        ## =========== DONT CHANGE PARAMETERS BELOW ================
        ## =========================================================
        ## Check if destination exists, if no create folder
        if (!(Test-Path -path $destination))
        New-Item $destination -type directory
        ## robocopy command
        ## /XO Excludes older files.
        ## /COPY:DATSO Specifies the file properties to be copied. D Data, A Attributes, T Time stamps, S NTFS access control list (ACL), O Owner information
        ## /E /Purge Mirrors a directory tree
        ## /R:10 Specifies the number of retries on failed copies. The default value of N is 1,000,000 (one million retries)
        ## /log: Writes the status output to the log file (overwrites the existing log file). use /log+: for appending 
        ## /NP Specifies that the progress of the copying operation (the number of files or directories copied so far) will not be displayed.
        robocopy $source $destination *.* /XO /COPY:DATSO /E /purge /R:10 /log:$logfile /NP
        ## Check variables to compare source and destination
        $check_source = Dir $source
        $check_destination = Dir $destination
        ## Compare source and destination, write deviations to backup report 
        Compare-Object $check_source $check_destination -PassThru > $backupReport
        ## Create and send email after succesfull backup
        function sendSuccessEmail{
        send-mailmessage -from $EmailFrom -to $EmailTo -subject $successEmailSubject -body $successEmailBody -Attachments "$logfile" -priority High -dno onSuccess, onFailure -smtpServer $SMTPServer
        ## Create and send email after unsuccesfull backup
        function sendFailEmail{
        send-mailmessage -from $EmailFrom -to $EmailTo -subject $failEmailSubject -body $failEmailBody -Attachments "$logfile" -priority High -dno onSuccess, onFailure -smtpServer $SMTPServer
        ## If backupreport is empty, backup is succesfull send email
        $File = Get-ChildItem $backupReport
        if ($File.Length -eq 0) {sendSuccessEmail}
        ## If backup report is not empty, something is going wrong. Email will be send
        $File = Get-ChildItem $backupReport
        if ($File.Length -gt 0) {sendFailEmail}

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