Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Migration to Hugo Framework

2019-04-24 4 min read Security     "Erwin Bierens"
My journey in moving to Hugo For more then 10 years I’ve been using Wordpress to run my blog site and now i have made the decission to switch to using Hugo, a static site generator. Now I’d like to share my reasons for doing this, and (perhaps) how you can do this too. WordPress is pretty easy to use, and there are plenty of plugins allowing you to do pretty much anything. Continue reading

Force HTTPS On Your WordPress Site

2016-05-12 2 min read Security Erwin Bierens
I’m running my wordpress site for quite some time now.. My site is HTTPS enabled and signed with a certificate. HTTP was also possible in the past for reaching my site. In this guide i’m going to point all of the pages (including the administrative) to force HTTPS. To simplify this, the guide will build into the following 3 parts: 1. Force SSL for administrator pages (including the login page) 2. Continue reading