Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

QoS troubleshooting with Wireshark

2017-04-11 1 min read Skype for Business Erwin Bierens


During my work i have a lot of VoIP traffic related queries/questions. I’m using this configuration to check if packets are being tagged with the right DSCP values.


Add DSCP column to your Wireshark Client

  1. Right click on one of the existing columns.
  2. Click on column preferences
  3. Click Add down the bottom
  4. Click on the “New Column” Label and change it to “DSCP” then hit enter once.
  5. With the new entry highlighted, change the Field Type to Custom (in the dropdown box)
  6. In field name, copy and paste in _ip.dsfield.dscp
  7. Click Apply/Ok

You can drag the column back to the left side of the Info column and you now have a simple view of the tag for any packet.

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RDCMan to Hyper-V console

2017-04-05 2 min read Microsoft Erwin Bierens

Remote Desktop Connection Manager is a essential tool if you run a lot of virtual machines or need to connect to a lot of customers as i do.  One of the new features in version 2.7 allows the ability to connect directly to virtual machines (called virtual machine connect-to-console support).  Configuring a connection for this new feature is rather easy once you have the ID of the virtual machine. 

The following PowerShell command should do the trick:

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Polycom Trio 8800 failed to discover exchange server (Office365)


Deployed some Polycom Trio’s in my organisation (we’re running Exchange Online and Skype for Business Online) and everytime i went to the Calendar the Polycom was showing an error “Failed to discover exchange server”.

How to solve this error

Login to the webinterface from the Polycom Trio 8800 (first time enable HTTP/HTTPS connection from the Polycom Advanced Option, Default password is “456”)

Go to Settings > Applications

Disable the AutoDiscover and Fill in the following Exchange Server url:

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No presence information in Outlook (Skype for Business)

2017-03-23 1 min read Skype for Business Erwin Bierens

The issue

Got an issue after installing the Mitel MiCollab software. Microsoft Outlook did not display the status of Lync/Skype anymore. Also in my Outlook client the information from GAL (Global Address List) was not visable anymore when hovering over a name.

Some other issues i found out:

  • The Microsoft SharePoint client/web does not display presence information.
  • Other Microsoft Office applications that support presence features do not display presence information

The Solution

This behavior may occur if the value of the DefaultIMApp registry entry in the following registry key is incorrect: First, look at this location in the registry… [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers]

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.NET Framework 4.6.2 is supported with the February 2017 Cumulative Update for Skype for Business Server 2015

2017-03-13 1 min read Skype for Business Erwin Bierens

Both Lync Server 2013 and Skype for Business Server 2015 are supported with the .Net Framework 4.6.2. Skype for Business Server must have the February 2017 update for Skype for Business Server or later installed.


This update can be found at

Lync Server 2013 must have the November 2016 update, or later installed. This update can be found at

Execution of Scripts is Disabled on this System

2017-03-07 1 min read Powershell Erwin Bierens

Execution of Scripts

When you try to run a powershell script on Windows, you may receive the following error stating that the execution policy on your computer does not allow you to run the script.

To fix this error, you must change the PowerShell execution policy for this computer.  These instructions will explain how to allow “Unrestricted” access to running scripts on your computer.

  1. To set the execution policy to unrestricted, enter the following command (PowerShell must be run as an Administrator):

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Powershell Backup Script

2017-02-10 3 min read Powershell Erwin Bierens

Backup Script

Needed a backup script which i can run from the powershell or with use of the Windows schedular. I’ve created some checks on folders and succesrate. The scripts also can email you when backup is succesful/failed. If you have any suggestions please let me know!


        ##################################### Backup Script ###############################################
        ## Name: Backup_Script.ps1                               
        ## Creator: Erwin Bierens                     
        ## CreationDate: 10-02-2017                               
        ## LastModified: 10-02-2017                                
        ## Version: 1.0
        ## Website:
        ## Description: Copies the Backupdir to the Destination folder
        ## Deviations will be written to logfile
        ## Only Change Variables in Variables Section  
        ## Thx to the followingg scripts i created this one, source information
        ## Example: powershell -command "& 'c:\temp\Backup_Script.ps1' "
        ##Variables Section
        ## Source directory
        ## Destination Directory
        ## you can also use the network path "\\server\share"
        ## Destination Log File
        ## BackupRapport is being used to check if backup is succesfull
        ## Make changes for email reports
        ## Email Subjects and Body info
        $successEmailSubject="Backup Succesfull"
        $successEmailBody="The Backup is succesfull"
        $failEmailSubject="Backup Failed"
        $failEmailBody="The backup is failed, please check the attached log file"
        ## =========================================================
        ## =========== DONT CHANGE PARAMETERS BELOW ================
        ## =========================================================
        ## Check if destination exists, if no create folder
        if (!(Test-Path -path $destination))
        New-Item $destination -type directory
        ## robocopy command
        ## /XO Excludes older files.
        ## /COPY:DATSO Specifies the file properties to be copied. D Data, A Attributes, T Time stamps, S NTFS access control list (ACL), O Owner information
        ## /E /Purge Mirrors a directory tree
        ## /R:10 Specifies the number of retries on failed copies. The default value of N is 1,000,000 (one million retries)
        ## /log: Writes the status output to the log file (overwrites the existing log file). use /log+: for appending 
        ## /NP Specifies that the progress of the copying operation (the number of files or directories copied so far) will not be displayed.
        robocopy $source $destination *.* /XO /COPY:DATSO /E /purge /R:10 /log:$logfile /NP
        ## Check variables to compare source and destination
        $check_source = Dir $source
        $check_destination = Dir $destination
        ## Compare source and destination, write deviations to backup report 
        Compare-Object $check_source $check_destination -PassThru > $backupReport
        ## Create and send email after succesfull backup
        function sendSuccessEmail{
        send-mailmessage -from $EmailFrom -to $EmailTo -subject $successEmailSubject -body $successEmailBody -Attachments "$logfile" -priority High -dno onSuccess, onFailure -smtpServer $SMTPServer
        ## Create and send email after unsuccesfull backup
        function sendFailEmail{
        send-mailmessage -from $EmailFrom -to $EmailTo -subject $failEmailSubject -body $failEmailBody -Attachments "$logfile" -priority High -dno onSuccess, onFailure -smtpServer $SMTPServer
        ## If backupreport is empty, backup is succesfull send email
        $File = Get-ChildItem $backupReport
        if ($File.Length -eq 0) {sendSuccessEmail}
        ## If backup report is not empty, something is going wrong. Email will be send
        $File = Get-ChildItem $backupReport
        if ($File.Length -gt 0) {sendFailEmail}
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