Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

New phone what about Multi Factor Authentication(MFA) in Azure?

2019-01-02 2 min read Azure Office365 Erwin Bierens

Do you know the feeling of loosing your data when buying a new phone? Just before the holidays i decided to buy a new phone. Traditionally i’m a Apple fanboy for year, started with the iPhone

  1. My last device was a iPhone 7 with the Apple Watch series
  2. After some research in what i actually wanted/needed the OnePlus 6T was the best option for me (cost/performance).

Because i’m using the Microsoft Authenticator for quite some time and have most of my MFA accounts in there it was time to change all of the accounts. I’m using Office365 a lot, so i will describe how to this for your Azure account.

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