Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Enable God Mode for Windows 10 and Windows Server

The steps shown in this post will work on Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. When activated, it is a folder that contains links to all of the settings of your Windows system.

How to enable God Mode in Windows 10

To enable God Mode in windows 10 login to the Windows 10 client with account that has administrative privileges. Create a new folder on the desktop. Right click and rename it as God Mode .{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} and press Enter.

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How to block Facebook from your PC

2016-05-28 2 min read Privacy Erwin Bierens

Facebook wants to sell every Ad and you on the Web. The social network will show ads to non-Facebook users on other websites.

Companies like Facebook and Google offer you their services for free, but free always has a cost. Advertising pays the bills and the contributors, and these big companies separate themselves from serving up ads that are better targeted than other smaller networks. By tracking you across the web and building a profile (Big Data) that helps which ads you’re going to click most likely.

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