Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Disable Automatic Startup Microsoft Teams for Linux (Ubuntu)

This how to is written for debian distro based operating systems. During this test i’m using Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.3 LTS.

Disable automatic startup

In case you don’t want to automatically startup Micrsoft Teams you can use the following setting to change this behavior. Go to Menu > Search > Startup Applications preferences.

Here you can disable or remove Teams startup.

Teams disable startup


Microsoft Teams for Linux

This how to is written for debian distro based operating systems. During this test i’m using Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.3 LTS.

Installing Microsoft Teams

First of all download the right client package for Microsoft Teams.

For my Ubuntu desktop i’m using the DEB 64-bit installer. You can also download the package using wget.

Teams Installer Download

Download the package from the Teams website. You can find the latest version right here (Right click the version and copy the link)

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Route all traffic by OpenVPN

2018-12-11 1 min read Linux Security Erwin Bierens

In October i posted a blog about setting up your OpenVPN server in 2 minutes.

This blog is a addon to your existing configuration to route all traffic over the VPN. 


Change server configuration

go to the config file (/etc/openvpn/server.conf) and add the following lines:

    push "redirect-gateway def1"
    push "dhcp-option DNS "
    push "dhcp-option DNS"

Restart your OpenVPN daemon

    sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn restart

Change client configuration

Change your client config, and add the following line

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Running PowerShell on your RaspberryPi

2018-12-06 1 min read Linux Powershell Erwin Bierens

For many years PowerShell was a Windows-only thing that was part of the closed Windows ecosystem. Now a days PowerShell is open source up at with lots of docs and scripts, also open source.

PowerShell is supported on Windows, Mac, and a half-dozen Linux distros.

While running PowerShell on your RaspberryPi is still experimental and only supported for Raspbian Stretch it’s running pretty smoothly.



Install the prerequisites

	sudo apt-get install libunwind8

Grabbing the latest tar.gz

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Move VMs between ESXi Hosts with SSH

2018-10-31 1 min read Linux VMWare Erwin Bierens

Recently is had some issues with capacity and old server hardware. I created some new ESXi hosts and wanted to move the VMs to the new hosts. Below i will describe how i obtained this:


Setup Access

Start SSH and ESXi Shell on both servers, you can do this from the Web UI, Hosts > Actions > Services

Now create the destination folder (mostly VM name) on the new ESXi host.

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Error on installing Kali Tools in Ubuntu

2018-10-25 1 min read Linux Security Erwin Bierens

When you want to run a Raspberry Pi for pentesting, you can easily download all of the Kali linux to your Pi.

After changing the repository i ran in to a error.

While people on the forum ginving some different options, this one worked for me.


	`sudo apt install ./kali-archive-keyring_2018.1_all.deb`

Everything looks fine now. Let’s check for the final.

	`sudo apt-get update`


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