Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Upgrade your Office 365 ProPlus to 64-bit

2019-04-22 2 min read Office365 Erwin Bierens

Why should I upgrade?

Recently Microsoft started to recommend its 64-bit edition of the Office 365 pro plus suite to be installed as the default Office installation.

Office ProPlus and Office 2019 will now be installed with 64-bit as the default setting. Previously, the default setting was 32-bit at installation. This change will begin rolling out in mid-January, 2019.


Message from admin center office 365

Office ProPlus and Office 2019 will now be installed with 64-bit as the default setting. Previously, the default setting was 32-bit at installation. This change will begin rolling out in mid-January, 2019.

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New phone what about Multi Factor Authentication(MFA) in Azure?

2019-01-02 2 min read Azure Office365 Erwin Bierens

Do you know the feeling of loosing your data when buying a new phone? Just before the holidays i decided to buy a new phone. Traditionally i’m a Apple fanboy for year, started with the iPhone

  1. My last device was a iPhone 7 with the Apple Watch series
  2. After some research in what i actually wanted/needed the OnePlus 6T was the best option for me (cost/performance).

Because i’m using the Microsoft Authenticator for quite some time and have most of my MFA accounts in there it was time to change all of the accounts. I’m using Office365 a lot, so i will describe how to this for your Azure account.

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Branding your Office365 Login Screen

2018-12-12 1 min read Office365 Erwin Bierens

Using your organization’s logo and custom color schemes to provide a consistent look-and-feel on your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) sign-in pages. Your sign-in pages appear when users type in their sign in to your organization’s web-based apps, such as Office 365, which uses Azure AD as your identity provider.


[caption id=“attachment_1995” align=“alignnone” width=“665”] My Example[/caption]

Some people maybe notice where this background is from, for the ones that don’t know this is from Mr Robot.

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Skype for Business Online Audio Conferencing - Dial out behavior change

Microsoft is making some changes to Skype for Business Online Audio Conferencing Dial Out. To best meet our customer’s business needs, Microsoft is adjusting when attendees can add other participants to a Skype for Business meeting via dial out.


How does this affect us?

Till now, meeting guests are able to add Audio Conferencing attendees at any time.

Going forward, the meeting service will require at least one authenticated user from the organizer’s company to be present in the meeting to allow adding another participant via dial-out. Company attendees can be authenticated through the Skype for Business Client.

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How to create trusted network for MFA in Office365

2018-10-22 1 min read Office365 Security Erwin Bierens

What is MFA?

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of authentication that requires the use of more than one verification method and adds a second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions. You can choose the following verification methods:

  • A randomly generated pass code (Microsoft Authenticator App or SMS)
  • A phone call
  • A smart card (virtual or physical)
  • A biometric device


Enable MFA

When you don’t use MFA, but want to enable this. Follow this guide (Microsoft).

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Switch Office 2016 to Monthly Targeted Channel

2018-03-19 1 min read Office365 Erwin Bierens

Office 365

The Office 365 ProPlus update model supports 4 production channels;

  • Monthly Channel (Targeted),
  • Monthly Channel,
  • Semi-annual Channel (Targeted),
  • Semi-annual Channel.

Each channel receives features updates, security and non-security updates on different release intervals.


Switch Channels

Below are the steps to switch channels:

  1. Identify the channel which you would like to switch to. Features and updates by channel are documented here.
  2. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator.
  3. Navigate to “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun"
  4. Run the following command to change the desired channel, let’s say Monthly Channel Targeted “OfficeC2RClient.exe /changesetting Channel=Insiders” (When running in powershell the command will be “.*OfficeC2RClient.exe /changesetting Channel=Insiders”*

or if you want to switch to the Montly channel:

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Polycom Trio 8800 failed to discover exchange server (Office365)


Deployed some Polycom Trio’s in my organisation (we’re running Exchange Online and Skype for Business Online) and everytime i went to the Calendar the Polycom was showing an error “Failed to discover exchange server”.

How to solve this error

Login to the webinterface from the Polycom Trio 8800 (first time enable HTTP/HTTPS connection from the Polycom Advanced Option, Default password is “456”)

Go to Settings > Applications

Disable the AutoDiscover and Fill in the following Exchange Server url:

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