Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Setup and Create Audiocodes log files

2020-07-16 1 min read Audiocodes     "Erwin Bierens"
First start with downloading the Audiocodes Syslog viewer click here. Install Audiocodes “syslog viewer” on a windows-based PC. Login to your SBC and go to Troubleshoot > Logging > Logging Settings and enter the following values: Enable Syslog : enable Syslog Server IP Address : IP of the computer where the Audiocodes Syslog viewer is installed. Syslog Server Port : 514 VoIP Debug Level : detailed Start the Audiocodes syslog viewer and click on the play button to start the capture. Continue reading

Title Up Your Teams Group Chats

2020-07-01 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"
Did you know you can title up your chat to get a clear visual about the topics discussing? There is only one requirement to achieve this: at least three persons in chat. How to achieve Start a new chat, invite 2 other persons to join and click the downwards arrow to see extra options. Enter the group name for the chat: You can also use the search windows to find your named chat Continue reading

How to put your Poly x30 in Microsoft Teams mode

Hi All, After a small break back in to blogging again. I also created a quick video of the steps below: First of all check your firmware > latest version: 3.1.1-216109 (writing on 2020-06-09). Go to General Settings > Provider The System will now be rebooted, the admin password will be changed back to default (last 6 digits of the serial number). After login you will need to set the provider again to Microsoft Teams because the Poly x30 (or x50) is restarted to factory default. Continue reading

How to use your Poly Trio800 with the Poly x30

Did you know you can pair your existing Poly Trio 8800 with your new Poly x30? With this feature you are able to control your Poly x30 and you can use the audio (speakers and microphone) from the Trio 8800 for your meetings. I created a quick video of the steps below: Make sure your Trio 8800 is running the latest firmware and set Trio 8800 back to factory default settings. Continue reading

End Microsoft Teams Meeting for all Attendees

2020-04-15 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"
As a Meeting organizer you now have the option to end your meetings for all attendees. For security it’s nice to see that you have control as a organizer but also in classrooms this is a great way to make sure your students don’t hang around in your virtual classroom after you’ve left. To end an active meeting, go to your meeting controls and select More options (…) Now click End Meeting You’ll be asked to confirm. Continue reading

Disable Automatic Startup Microsoft Teams for Linux (Ubuntu)

This how to is written for debian distro based operating systems. During this test i’m using Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.3 LTS. Disable automatic startup In case you don’t want to automatically startup Micrsoft Teams you can use the following setting to change this behavior. Go to Menu > Search > Startup Applications preferences. Here you can disable or remove Teams startup. /

Optimize Outlook for Microsoft Teams Meetings

2020-03-23 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"
Proper schedule of your meetings Are you facing the same issue as i did? For example: Meetings starting at full hour, and my previous meeting is still ongoing? There is trick to solve this issue (at least for your own meetings) with this setting. Go to your File in your Outlook client Select Options. Go to Calendar. With this setting, your meetings will decrease your meetings with 5 minutes. So you’ll have time to join the next one. Continue reading
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